Science and New Technology Demonstration Projects

l Cluster Double Star (TC-1/2)

The Double Star Program is the first collaborative scientific mission between CNSA (China National Space Administration) and ESA (Europe Space Agency). TC-1 was injected into an equatorial orbit and TC-2 into a polar orbit. The dual-spacecraft mission investigates global physical processes in Earth's magnetic environment and its response to solar disturbances. The TC-1 was launched in December 2003 and the TC-2 in July 2004.

The diagram of the TC-1 satellite in orbit.
The diagram of theTC-1/2 satellite in orbit.

l China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES)

The China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES) mission is the first satellite measuring geophysical fields in China, cooperated between CNSA (China National Space Administration) and ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana). The CSES satellite benefit earthquake science but also geophysics, space science, radio wave science and space weather monitoring. A large number of case study results associated with earthquakes whose magnitudes are larger than Ms6 in China or Ms7 in the world will be acquired.

The CSES satellite carries 8 payloads (Search-Coil Magnetometer, Electric Field Detector, High Precision Magnetometer, GNSS Occultation Receiver, Plasma Analyzer Package, Langmuir Probe, High Energetic Particle Package/Detector, and Tri-Band Beacon). Among these, ASI provides HEPD. It was launched successfully On February 2018.

The diagram of the CSES satellite in orbit.
Application of the CSES satellite.