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2019 International Symposium on Lunar and Deep Space Exploration Call for Papers

December 29, 2018

China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) will organize the International Symposium on Lunar and Deep Space Exploration from April, 2019 in Beijing, China. The theme of this symposium is "deepening exchanges and cooperation, working together to promote the development of lunar and deep space exploration". The purpose of this symposium is to exchange the latest achievements and frontier development on lunar and deep space exploration, to build an international exchange and cooperation platform, and to jointly promote the development of lunar and deep space exploration. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. Paper subjects

a) Lunar and deep space exploration engineering technology

Engineering techniques, new technologies and new methods for the exploration of the moon, small bodies, Mars, Jupiter, the sun and other planets.

b) Space science and advanced payload technology

Planetary science, solar physics and solar-terrestrial space physics, space astronomy and astrophysics related issues, and advanced load technology.

c) Space resource development and utilization technology

Development and utilization of in-situ resources of the moon, small bodies, Mars and other extraterrestrial bodies, issues related to planetary protection, and international cooperation in the lunar and deep space exploration.

2. Paper requirements

a) The content of the paper should be in line with the paper subjects, not published or accepted in other public academic conferences or journals.

b) Paper writing format is shown in Appendix 1.

3. Submission method and time arrangement

a) Please submit the abstract of the paper before March 10th, 2019, and the full paper before April 10th while receiving the notification.

b) Contact information for submission

Name: ZHAO Yinglong

Tel: +86 10 68 74 67 93, +86 1 58 10 23 72 80


Please mark the subject of the email “2019 International Symposium on Lunar and Deep Space Exploration”.



China Academy of Space Technology

December 26th, 2019

Appendix 1: Paper writing format

1. Paper size: A4.

2. Paper margins: top: 3cm; bottom: 2.2cm; left: 2.8cm; right: 2.8cm.

3. Writing order:

a) Title: Boldface, word size: 22, center.

b) Author: Times New Roman, word size: 10.5, center.

c) Author research institution, address, zip code: Times New Roman, word size: 10.5, center.

d) Abstract: The word “Abstract”: Boldface, word size: 10.5; abstract content: Times New Roman, word size: 10.5, center.

e) Key words: The words “Key words”: Boldface, word size: 10.5; key words content: Times New Roman, word size: 10.5, center.

f) Text: Single column layout, Times New Roman, word size: 10.5, linewidth: Fixed value 6 pounds. Primary title: Boldface, word size: 14, front and back: 6 pounds; Second title: Boldface, word size: 10.5, front and back: 6 pounds; Third title, same as text.

g) Reference: Times New Roman, word size: 10.5.

h) Author resume: Times New Roman, word size: 10.5, including gender, education background, title, work or research direction, email, Tel, Fax.